#672 - Above All, Love

TitleAbove All, Love
Key SignatureD
Starting PitchMI
Starting Pitch DirectionUp
Starting Beat4
Time Signature4/4
HymnalHymns For Worship (Revised)


Verse 1

If I speak with tongues of men and angels, too; If I have the gifts of prophecy and faith; If I give all I possess and give my body as a sacrifice; If I have no love I'm nothing after all.

Verse 2

Love is patient, love is kind and envies not; Never boastful, never rude or filled with pride; Love is never seeking self and is not easily provoked to wrath; Love hates evil but rejoices with the truth.

Verse 3

Love protects, and trusts and always perseveres; Never failing, love will never pass away. In the path of love the Savior walked and humbly gave Himself to die; And the path of love leads straight to Calvary.

Verse 4

Help us, Lord, to love You with our heart and soul; Teach us, Lord, to love our neighbors as ourselves. Make us understand that loving one another is the only way; May our hearts be moved to imitate Your love.



