#20998 - SONG OF JONAH

Key SignatureD
Starting PitchMI
Starting Pitch DirectionUp
Starting Beat6
Time Signature6/8
HymnalHymns For Worship (eChoice)


Verse 1

The waters rushed in all around me; Deep darkness encompassed my soul. The tempest engulfed me and drowned me; Leviathan swallowed me whole. The bars of the earth sealed behind me, Far down where the mountains are moored; And there, where no helper could find me, I looked in despair for the LORD. I looked in despair for the LORD.

Verse 2

Distressed by my folly and error, Ashamed of my cowardly flight, I cried out in torment and terror, "LORD, have I been cast from Your sight?" Yet when I was fainting in spirit, Entangled in death's mighty cord, I prayed, and I knew He would hear it: I called on the name of the LORD. I called on the name of the LORD.

Verse 3

I sing with the voice of thanksgiving And worship the God who can save, Who led me to lands of the living, And rescued my soul from the grave. Each vow I have sworn I will pay Him; My service will be my reward. With gratitude I will obey Him; Salvation belongs to the LORD. Salvation belongs to the LORD.



