#22135 - JESUS GREW

Key SignatureC
Starting PitchSOL
Starting Pitch DirectionUp
Starting Beat4
Time Signature6/8
HymnalHymns For Worship (eChoice)


Verse 1

When Jesus was young with His parents, He listened to them and obeyed. And Joseph, the carpenter, taught Him to build things and sell what they made. From Nazareth Jesus would travel with parents and relatives dear. Jerusalem gathered all Israel to Passover feast every year.

Verse 2

And after the Passover feast day, when Jesus was twelve he stayed there. His family traveled without Him, and all day they walked unaware. Then Mary and Joseph went searching, and after three days found their son. While talking with men at the temple His knowledge amazed everyone.

Verse 3

"Son, why have you treated us this way? Your father and I searched so long." And Je-sus told them, "Did you not know, in my Father's house I belong?" His parents did not understand it, but Mary kept this in her heart. Then Jesus went home with His parents, obeying and doing His part.


And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, in favor with God and man. And Je-sus grew in wisdom and stature, in favor with God and man.



