#453 - Ye Are the Light of the World

TitleYe Are the Light of the World
Key SignatureF
Starting PitchDO
Starting Beat6
Time Signature6/8
HymnalHymns For Worship (Revised)


Verse 1

O, Christian, do not hide your light! For ye are the light of the world, But keep it trimmed and burning bright, For ye are light of the world.

Verse 2

Go show to all the path of right, For ye are the light of the world, Go bring the straying back to light, For ye are the light of the world.

Verse 3

O, do not let your light burn low, For ye are the light of the world, But keep it bright and onward go, For ye are the light of the world.


For ye are the light of the world, For ye are the light of the world; Then keep your lamps all burning bright, For ye are the light of the world.



