#677 - Jesus Paid It All

TitleJesus Paid It All
Key SignatureC
Starting PitchMI
Starting Pitch DirectionUp
Starting Beat1
Time Signature4/4
HymnalHymns For Worship (Revised)


Verse 1

Gone is all my debt of sin, A great change is bro't within, And to live I now begin, Risen from the fall; Yet the debt I did not pay, Someone died for me one day, Sweeping all the debt away, Jesus paid it all.

Verse 2

O I hope to please Him now, Light of joy is on my brow, As at His dear feet I bow, Safe within His love, Making His the debt I owed, Freedom true He has bestowed; So I'm singing on the road To my home above.

Verse 3

Sinner, not for me alone Did the Son of God atone; Your debt, too, He made His own, On the cruel tree. Come to Him with all your sin; Be as white as snow within; Full salvation you may win And rejoice with me.


Jesus died and paid it On the cross of Calvary, And my heart was melted At His dying call, O His heart was broken On the tree for you and me, And the debt is canceled, Jesus paid it all.




