#22133 - CENTURION

Key SignatureBb (G minor)
Starting PitchMI
Starting Pitch DirectionDown
Starting Beat4
Time Signature4/4
HymnalHymns For Worship (eChoice)


Verse 1

He was a fierce centurion; A fearless man, and strong. He watched the Lord as He was scourged And taunted by a throng. And when he looked upon the Lord, Who owned no earthly thing, He thought this man must be a fraud Who claimed to be a king.

Verse 2

Unmoved, he watched them drive the nails, And lift Him up in pain. He felt no mercy for the Lord, And shared the mob's disdain. But when he heard that loving pray'r To par-don those who jeered, He knew the scene before his eyes Was not as it appeared.

Verse 3

He saw the darkness fill the land, And boulders burst apart. He felt an earthquake move the ground, And shake his stone-cold heart. Then, after all these things occurred, He spoke, for he was awed, "In truth, this Man whom we have killed Must be the Son of God."


Centurion! Centurion! You spoke the truth, unflawed. As you have rightly said of Him, He is the Son of God!



