#20191 - WHO AM I
Key | Value |
Title | WHO AM I |
Number | 20191 |
Key Signature | C |
Starting Pitch | DO |
Starting Beat | 3+ |
Time Signature | 4/4 |
Hymnal | Hymns For Worship (eChoice) |
Verse 1
O, when I think of how He came so far from glory, Came and dwelt among the lowly such as I. To suffer shame and such disgrace On Mount Calv'ry take my place; Then I ask myself this question, Who am I?
Verse 2
When I'm reminded of His words, "I'll leave you never, If you're true, I'll give you life forever." And O, I wonder what I've have done To deserve God's only Son Fights fight my battles until til they're won. Who who am I?
Who am I, that a king would bleed and die for? Who am I that He would pray: "Not my will but, Thine, Lord"? The answer I may never know, The answer I may never know, Why He ever loved me so. But to an old rugged cross He'd go, For who am I?
- Capitol CMG Publ. USA (Copyright Manager)
- Dennis, Todd (Arranger)
- Goodman, Rusty (Composer)
- Goodman, Rusty (Lyricist)
- Playin'TAG Music (Copyright Holder)
- Stevens, R. J. (Arranger)
- Copyright © 1965. Renewed 1993 by Playin' TAG Music. (Admin. by ClearBox Rights, LLC.) All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.
- Copyright - License Requirements
- License required through CCLI, OneLicense, Easy Licensing, or other licensing company for copyright compliance Copies permitted up to limit of license (usually # in congregation) Must report usage and additional copies with your licensing company